Cats in the Castle, 2023Like Cats and Dogs, 2023Not Another Brick in the Wall, 2023A Walk in the Past, 2023In the Shade, 2023Fresh as a Rose, 2023Nordic Deer, 2022Eat, Sleep and be Panda, 2022Scarlet and Gold, 2022Bats in the Castle, 2022Iris Nouveau, 2022Blooms of Winter, Blooms of Summer, 2022Live Jewels, 2022Social Animals, 2021New Dawn, 2021The Colour of Life, 2020Owl Be Watching You, 2021Euphoria, 2020Harlequin sunset, 2020Dancing in the Wind, 2018Mad Tea Party, 2020Dance of the Goddess, 2019Variations, 2019The Sail, 2018We and I, 2017Trade routes, 2019Locked in the Grid, 2020Linger On, 2017Intertwined, 2019Magnolia, 2016There stands a pine tree- lonesome, 2015Pasque Flower, 2015Poinsettia, 2017Fallen by the Wayside, 2016Natural History, 2016